The Great Egg Hunt Program is here to help us celebrate Easter to the fullest, and I’m glad we are starting to get more programs. In this case, you need to collect ten eggs by completing a mission for each before you get your hands on the rewards. We are talking about a 91 overall Christian Yelich, who boasts incredible contact and a sweet clutch rating of 106.
Yelich is the main play, but you also get 89 overall Aaron Bummer, 90 overall Willie McCovey, 90 overall John Smoltz, and 90 overall Jeimer Candelario along the way.
The catch? The challenges you need to complete each egg mission are a secret. Beyond vague (and sometimes funny) hints, SDS doesn’t give much else away.
Don’t fret, however, because this guide will give you the down-low on how to grab each egg on your way to the coveted Yelich card. So, read on and find out what you need to do for each step of the program.
Getting the first egg is as simple as completing all the Egg Hunt program moments in the Moments section on the main menu. The moments are fairly straightforward and quick to complete, so you can get them out of the way immediately.
Once you snap up the egg, you can collect it by heading back to the program page and selecting your specific egg mission. Upon completion, you’ll get ten stars, after which you can move on to the next little egg.
For this Easter Egg, you’ll have to participate in the Starter Showdown (the one featuring Sandy Alcantara) and simply complete the first two missions.
You can navigate to the exact section by going to Diamond Dynasty, selecting Single Player Modes, and then diving into Showdown. Again, I wouldn’t call this a tricky mission; it should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete!
The hint for this egg mission says it all: you’ll have to be “sneaky competitive” to grab this one. As you can tell, the level of difficulty will vary with each mission. In this particular mission, you have to steal a base in a ranked game.
You don’t necessarily have to win; just be sure to steal a base, and you’re good to go. As long as you’ve got speedy runners in your lineup, this mission shouldn’t bother you too much.
Unlike the last mission, you do need to win a game against the CPU to collect this fourth egg. In particular, you must secure victory in a nine-inning game against either the Orioles, Jays, or Cardinals. Yes, those are all bird teams, so very much on brand with the egg-y nature of this program!
It’s worth noting that you can complete this mission at any difficulty level. I would recommend not overthinking this one and just playing against the Orioles.
The fifth egg mission involves Chicken Man himself - again, how on-brand! Basically, you will have to play Battle Royale and draft Wade Boggs. His 84 overall card is a program card, so it is guaranteed to appear in drafts. Once you’ve done that, simply get on base with him, and you’ve got Egg #5 in the bag.
This is the mission where all the standard packs you’ve been getting from this program and other moments come in handy. Simply open each pack and collect your jelly bean voucher. If you find yourself a few jelly beans short, there are some hidden in the Egg Hunt Conquest map as well. Once you have 15 vouchers, you will exchange them for the stunning jelly bean egg.
For this egg, you basically need to hit a triple at any difficulty level. So, once again, don’t overthink this one. Play against the CPU at the lowest difficulty with speedy runners on your team. Choosing a stadium with a high elevation, like Coors Field, can also help you out here.
If you can hit two doubles in an event game, the eighth egg is in your hands. It doesn’t matter how many games you play, as long as you accumulate two doubles. Go to Multiplayer Modes in Diamond Dynasty and select Events to play.
The second-last egg in your hunt will make you earn it by winning a game on All-Star difficulty level in Classic Mini Seasons. Again, this is pretty straightforward, and you can make your life easier by choosing a home game.
For the final egg, you need to beat the Baltimore Orioles in the Egg Hunt Conquest map. You will find the Orioles at the very bottom of the conquest map.
So, there you have it—a step-by-step guide to completing the latest program in MLB The Show 24. Good luck and happy Easter! May you get that Yelich card soon!
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